So this decision to start writing again came up somewhat suddenly. Like a whole half hour ago. Why am I writing again? Because I don't want to forget. I don't want to let all of my experiences be lost to the void. Because I want there to be an accurate and honest portrayal of the scene somewhere. And when I say accurate, I define that as "a truth in perception."
In context with that, I am also writing because I think that there will be a lot to say in the upcoming years. I have decided to go on an adventure. I plan on visiting and living in many cities and discovering what their scene is all about. I am on a quest, a journey to find a place that has a local scene that I connect with. Its going to take a long time, but thats the beauty of it, now I have a kind of purpose that lasts longer than a paltry goals of my peers. Maybe then, I can imagine following through with my larger aspirations.
I have fallen totally out of love with the local scene, but I do have hope for other places. Columbus is corrupt and hostile. Local parties should be a refuge for like minded people, a safe place. But it is an alien environment for most of us. Even once we get comfortable with what we have, it still doesn't feel right. When I say us, I do mean other rave-y individuals, the colorful ones who expect to find great things in the scene, and find only confusion. We shut out others, I do it too. We don't let new people into our lives (even our scene-life) Even people we have seen around for years we refuse to get to know better. It is an envoronment of mistrut.
But I have hope that it is better elsewhere. Cleveland maybe, or pittsburg. I may travel down to california or new york. I'll visit them all and live in them all, but no schedules, Ill travel and leave when the time is right.
What? Don't believe me? Just because I still haven't tried living on my own yet? I've got news for you, I'm an independent. I am happiest by myself and my job lets me travel wherever the hell I want, for however long I want. So this is about to happen, this is my new life.
But I'm not ready yet to break free. I do still have to try that living on my own thing first, here in columbus. I plan on moving out soon, within a few months down to campus.
In the meantime, I'm not writing about the scene as a whole anymore. Its a waste of my time and it doesn't interest me. Instead I will write about the people I know and are friends with. Core members of the scene that the "scene leaders" don't really have much respect for. These are the real deal type people. New to the scene and veterens. People who care about community. These are the friends I have found, these are the people worth paying attention to.
Your welcome. The columbus branch of this blog is about what really goes on behind the scenes. I can couldn't care less for what dj is getting popular or what party companies or planning on doing in the future. I never really did. This is about the people, this is about a part of this scene that more than likely, you will never experience or even be exposed to.
Next post will be a rememberence of a recent impromtu "naked party".