Monday, November 28, 2011

7. Winter Survival Guide

The winter can be a harsh and unrelenting time for Ohioans, especially for the ravers. Raving in general is viewed as a Summer sport. Usually we are worried with keeping our body temperatures down, not freezing to death! Parties like the Electric Daisy Carnival come to mind (see a video HERE!) and most guides instruct you to dress cool. But this dynamic changes slightly when you risk frost bite in the walk between your car and the club!

Fortunately for you, I have compiled some hints and tips here, as well as some encouragement to get you out to the club, despite the cold! Winter raving is just as good as summer raving as long as you do it smart… which basically means not getting hypothermia and not trying to break dance on ice. 

Winter time is a time of comfort. And in years past that has meant that people either stay in, or else they go to the places they feel the most at home. As a result, the scene becomes more dense and homier itself! People don’t like to explore too much in the winter, so the scene gets to take a collective breath and heal a bit from the assault of non scene members infiltrating the clubs. The summer is a time of growth where new people are exposed to and possibly join the scene, which is both necessary and exciting, but this is the season where we get to relax a bit and build community. 

The problem remains though, that the temperature outside is below freezing, but the club is so hot the windows are completely fogged up. So what is a dancer to do?

Winter Tip #1  For one, don’t risk your valuables. It’s just dumb to try and not wear a coat to the club, but since you are going to have to set it down somewhere, don’t choose your priciest or most beloved one. Chelsea Baker does it right, rocking a cute coat she got on sale for 20 dollars. There is a risk it will get stolen, so make it cheap alright! 

Winter Tip #2  You can also cut down on risk by keeping your keys on you, rather than in your jacket. For guys this is easy, but for girls this is a little bit trickier.  I like to take just my car key off the ring and tie it in my shoe laces. Make sure you double knot it so it doesn’t come loose, (also, the key comes first, before the knot and before the bow). Leave the rest of your keys in the car. That way, you don’t have to worry about getting your keys stolen either!

Winter Tip #3   As a final option to minimize the chance of you getting a nasty surprise when you look for your things at the end of the night, bring a large bag with you. A great option for girls is a bohemian bag, big enough you can fit your coat into. For guys, a backpack works as well. The point of this is to make your luggage bulkier (and it protects your gear from dirt and spilt drinks). It’s pretty easy to steal a tiny clutch or snag a jacket, but evil doers will think twice about trying to lug stolen property out the door.  

It’s important to stay warm in the winter, so having a coat is important. Now would also be an excellent time to get used to wearing pants out, rather than shorts or skirts. Not everyone has this problem, but I find that I overheat way too easily in jeans. Instead I wear very thin pajama bottoms in fun prints, there is some protection for my legs, but it isn’t confining either. 

Another  big risk in the winter is getting sick, and nobody likes to be ill when they could be out dancing. But do us all a favor okay, don’t go out if you’re sick! We don’t need a pandemic going around our club. Let me emphasize that one more time…

Winter Tip #4 IF YOU’RE SICK, STAY HOME.   

It won’t do you any good, and it certainly won’t do the rest of us good either. Speaking of which, Vitamin C isn’t just for when you’re rolling. Stock up on it and keep dosing. As for when you ARE rolling, remember that you can’t feel temperature very well so keep it in mind not to stay outside for too long. Which leads us to the next tip, courtesy of David Terrill…

Winter Tip #5  The human body isn’t meant to change temperatures rapidly, doing so puts you more at risk to get sick, and no BODY wants that! Do yourself a favor and cool down after dancing inside first, before you head out for a smoke or for some fresh air.
Then there are a few others that I thought of…

Winter Tip #6   I don’t really think I need to mention this, but just for good measure… Girls, please leave your heels at home! Ice and snow and muddy dance floors are not the appropriate terrain for cute wedges or spiky stilettos. 

Winter Tip #7  Keep an extra outfit in your car, that way, if you get wet you won’t have to go home, and if you decide to go to an after party you can bulk up  a bit. 

This is a great season for ravers. It is also a great time to get into the scene if you’re not already. It’s more about the music and the dancing in the winter and a great grounding for newbies to ease into the different dynamics. I myself joined the scene in the winter and it was a very smooth and pleasant transition. Of course, then I learned to rage my face off… but that takes time :p 

What are your Winter Rave Tips? Please, let us know in the Comments section. Also, check out Rave Bright on Face Book HERE and like it, as well as check out my new pages, Featured Events  and Connect!